Interested in learning more about the various ministries at St. Columban? Stop by and get to know the many faces of the community and their ministries! We hope to see you there.
Our music ministry enhances our Sunday Liturgies with eight choirs/ensembles, 315 choir singers, 14 instumentalists, and 27 children in our Children's choir.
For More Information about the Saint Columban Music Ministry
please contact Ro Elliott at
714-867-1512 or email at
A ministry where children can make a meaningful contributions at Mass by assisting the priest. This is the only ministry designed especially for children. It is a great opportunity for them to be "up close and personal" and learn about the different parts of the Mass and know that they are providing a service to the church community. If you feel you are being called please contact
English Mass | Thao Phuong Nguyen | 714-725-1526
Vietnamese Mass | Amanda Lai | 714-260-4486
Spanish Mass | Belinda Wright | 714-350-6388
Greeters are the friendly face of Saint Columban Church standing at the doors of the church at each Mass to say Hello, offer a smile and give a warm welcome to all who come and worship. You'll get to know people who attend regularly and you might also be the one who helps lift the spirit of the first-time visitor or the lonely stranger.
Ushers are parishioners who assist the priests in welcoming people who come to Mass. Our ushers request volunteers to bring the gifts of bread and wine forward at the Offertory. They also find seats for people as they arrive for Mass and coordinate the collection of the Sunday offering. During Communion, the Ushers assist the parishioners as they process to receive the Eucharist. They also hand out the weekly bulletin after Mass. If you feel you are being called please contact our parish office at (714) 534-1174
The Environment Ministry is a behind-the scenes ministry which is critical for our liturgical celebrations. They display and change banners for our daily Masses and throughout the year, display or coordinate and set-up floral arrangements, candles, Advent Wreaths, Christmas decorations, Easter decorations as well as other liturgical celebration throughout the year. For more information on this ministry please contact our parish office at (714) 534-1174.
Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion assist the priest in distributing the Precious Body and Blood of Jesus during communion at the Mass. These ministers also bring Jesus to the sick and the homebound. Please contact Antonette Roberto at (714) 337-1041 or email at if you are interested in becoming an EMHC for our Sunday Masses or for communion to the sick and homebound. Application available at parish office or visit our forms page.
Lectors proclaim the Word of God at Mass. The first reading (Old Testament), the second reading (New Testament) and the Prayers of the Faithful are read by the Lector. Training is provided for this rewarding liturgical ministry. For more information please contact Mary Mabie at (714) 469-5114
Members of the Bereavement Ministry help to bring spiritual comfort, compassion, and liturgical guidance for funerals to the families of our parish at the time of death of a loved one. For more information please contact our parish office at (714)534-1174
Ministers to the Sick and Homebound are trained to give a pastoral visit to those who cannot join out parish community at Mass. This special ministry prays and shares the Eucharist with those who are at home, in the hospital or in bound and care facilities.
This ministry focuses on the education of the sacredness of human life through prayer and activities. Annual activities include the Dollars from Heaven collection and the Baby Shower clothes drive.
A Catholic organization with chapters at the parish level who help those in physical need. Their main focus is to provide food to people in our parish neighborhood. For more information on being a part of this ministry please contact (714) 539-9133
This ministry provides a nutritious hot meal and toiletries every Saturday morning to the homeless and low-income families in our area. For more information on becoming part of this ministry please contact our parish office at (714) 534-1174
Each year from March till Pentecost Sunday, we have faith formation for adults over eighteen, who are baptized, have made their First Holy Communion and attend Church but have not celebrated the Sacrament of Confirmation. Weekly gatherings take place on Wednesday evenings to cover topics such as prayer, the sacraments, the beatitudes, the commandments and social justice. Opportunities for reflection on Scripture are also provided. For more information please contact Roy English at (714) 454-9555.
At Saint Columban our baptisms are private.
For more information please call the parish office at (714) 534-1174.
The RCIA process is for adults seeking full initiation to the Catholic Church. They are preparing to receive their sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist at the Great Easter vigil. The group meets at 9:30 AM Sunday Mass. RCIA team members discuss the readings and the Gospel that we hear at mass. We also have guest speakers on topics such as Images of God, morality, the Rosary, the Bible, the sacraments, time. talent, treasure, penance and other topics that help RCIA participants learn more about our faith. What an amazing experience to help people who are responding to God's call and seeking a closer relationship with Him. For more information please contact Deacon Danny Truong at (714)989-9478.
RCIA adapted for children is a process for children ages seven and above, who have not been baptized. The children are prepared and taught to receive the Sacrament of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist. For more information please contact Adonela Del Cid at (714)534-1174 ext. 310 or via email at:
Our youth ministry is designed for all high school teenagers. Our ministry is centered on the Eucharist and devoted lovingly to our Blessed Mother Mary, calling often for prayers from St. Columban. Our Youth Ministry program and Teen Confirmation program offering a variety of opportunities for teens to become part of the Saint Columban community as well as develop a relationship with our Lord, Jesus Christ. For more information visit our Confirmation page.
Members of our parish volunteer to clean the church on a weekly basis. All parishioners are welcome to join. Come to the church on Friday mornings after the 8:30 AM Mass to lend a hand!
Cursillo is a movement this is offered throughout the Diocese in English, Spanish and Vietnamese. It focuses on showing how to become effective leaders by growth in personal spiritual development. It is a short course in Christian living.
The members of the Legion of Mary meet weekly for prayer and intercession of Mary. Each member participates in the life of the parish through service. It is the largest Apostolic organization of lay people in the Catholic Church.
The Women's Council has been in existence at St. Columban since 1934. All ladies of the parish are members and there are no dues. Our meeting are once a month from September through May and they are socially and religiously inspiring. Occasionally, we invite a speaker to our meetings. We have in the past planned day trips for anyone interested. The women's council hold two fundraisers each year to support our Parish, our school and vocations and charities in our community at large.
We minister to homeless women, men and children of the Garden Grove and surrounding areas each Saturday of the year. We provide a hot meal beginning at 10:30AM until noon at the 'White House' address below. Other items we provide at that time may include toiletries and some clothing. For further information and/or you would like to volunteer, please contact our parish office at (714) 534-1174.
The White House is located at the following address (across the street from the church):
White House
12671 Nelson Street
Garden Grove, CA 92840
Please call the parish office, (714) 534-1174 to schedule an anointing with one of our priests.
St. Vincent de Paul Food Distribution Information:
Call (714) 539-9133
You are a vital part of our parish's ministry.
Volunteers are needed in a variety of areas.
How will you help?
Parish Council
Music Ministry
Religious Education
Stewardship Council
Liturgy Ministry
Eucharistic Ministry
Church Decorations
Event Planning
Facilities Management & Maintenance
Finance Council
Bible Study
If you think you might want to put in your time and talent with our community please visit our parish office and register with our front office receptionists. They will be glad to help and to answer any of your questions.