Monday - Friday
9:00 AM to 5:30 PM
Saturday - Sunday
9:00 AM to 3:00 PM
The incidents of email fraud are on the rise. Parishioners, Pastors, Administrators, Business Managers, and other staff are being attacked. Identities are being impersonated, emails are being taken over, and people are being duped into paying criminals in gift cards and wire transfers.
Please make sure everyone, including donors, that you are aware of the issue and that you verify a person's identity before sending a wire transfer or purchasing gift cards. Please make sure that if you receive an email from any of our parish priests or anyone claiming to be a Saint Columban Staff member requesting gift cards wire transfers etc. please call the parish office immediately at (714) 534-1174 to verify the request is valid and not part of a scam.
If you have been a victim of sexual abuse by clergy or a church representative please call the Diocesan Toll Free Reporting Line, 1-800-364-3064 as well as your local law enforcement.
Si usted ha sido víctima de abuso sexual por parte del clero o de un representante de la Iglesia, llame a la línea gratuita para denuncias de la Diócesis, 1-800-364-3064 así como a las autoridades de policía locales.
Nếu bạn là nạn nhân bị lạm dụng tình dục bởi một linh mục/ tu sĩ hay một thành viên trong Giáo Hội gây ra, xin hãy gọi và báo cáo cho Giáo phận ở số điện thoại miễn phí sau đây: 1-800-364-3064, và đồng thời báo cáo cho nhà chức trách địa phương.
Business Manager
(714) 534-1174 ext. 119
Office Manager
(714) 534-1174 ext. 100
English & Spanish Religious Education
OCIA (adapted for children)
714-534-1174 ext. 310
Vietnamese Religious Education (VRE)
(714) 534-1174 ext. 302
(714) 534-1174 ext. 304
St. Columban School Principal
Director of Music
(714) 337-6670
Orange County Catholic Diocese
10801 Stanford Avenue, Garden Grove
California, 92840
(714) 534 - 1174