
 Saint Columban Catholic Church

Saint Columban Church as part of the Diocese of Orange is a sacramental, multicultural community, united through prayer, faith sharing, and action. Our parishioners strive to live the gospel of Jesus Christ and the expression of His love and grace. Using our gifts of time, talent, and treasure, we endeavor to meet the needs of all with special sensitivity to the poor."


Our Church

      Pastor's Corner

Parish Calendar

Mass Times


English | 6:30AM, 8:30AM

Vietnamese | 5:30PM

Saturday Vigil Masses

English | 4:45PM

Vietnamese | 6:30PM

Sunday Masses

English | 8:00AM, 9:30AM, 11:15AM, 5:15PM

Vietnamese | 6:30AM, 3:15PM, 7:00PM

Spanish | 1:00PM


Tuesdays |  6:00PM - 7:00PM

Saturdays |  9:00AM - 10:00AM

Parish Office Hours

Monday - Friday 

9:00AM - 5:30PM


12:30PM - 1:30PM

Saturday & Sunday

9:00AM - 3:00PM



The sacrament of baptism is celebrated in a communal setting.

If you have an infant or child under the age of 7 and you would like to have him or her baptized,

Please contact our parish office

at 714-534-1174 for more information.

 Safe Environment News

New Volunteers that need to be finger printed for safe environment, please contact our parish office for an appointment. 

Pastoral Services Appeal

Amount Pledged

Amount Paid


We kindly ask that everyone completely fill out their PSA envelopes with the correct address and contact information.

This will help the Diocese of Orange successfully mail any receipts/ tax forms.

 Thank you for your continued support to our 2025 PSA. 

God Bless you and your families.

2023 -2024 Annual Report

*Fiscal Report*

*Summary of Parish Ministries & Services*

Give online to the work of the Church


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